Chapter 22 Merchants flock together



"It's taking so long..."


 We're still waiting for the results of the the appraisal, but it doesn't seem like they're finished yet.

 They did say it would take some time, but isn't this a bit too long?

 It feels like it's been an hour already. Is it really this long?

"I guess it's not over yet..."

"I'm bored..."

"We've been sitting all the time..."

 If we don't find a place to stay soon, the rooms will be filled again. I want to leave before that happens.

 Better yet, Couldn't we just get the results tomorrow?

 I really can't wait any longer.

  I was about to get up and go check on things myself when it happened.

"Excuse me?"


 A man I didn't know approached us.

“Do you need something from me?"

"Maybe the one who defeated the Great Boar?"

“Well, yes”

"! Really!"

 What is this old man?

“B-by the way, have you decided where to sell?”

"Huh? Sell it?"

“You haven’t decided yet!?”

"No, no. I don't even know what you're talking about..."

“Well, in that case, could you please let me buy it from you!"


 I can't follow this conversation.

 What is this guy talking about?


“My name is Kruger Company. Will you let me buy the Great Boa you defeated?”

"H-huh? You say you're going to buy it...why are you asking me?"

"What's your answer!? Please, tell me!"

"Hey old man! Don't cut in line!"

 Another man appeared from behind the old man.

“W-what do you want?"

"I'm also in the same industry. It would be bad manners to negotiate directly!"

"Uh, S-shut up! I was here first! What's wrong with talking to him first?"

"I arrived first! Then give it to me!"

"Wait! I've been here all along too!"

"I've been here the whole time!"

 More and more people are gathering one after another.

 Who are these people?

"Hey Zest! Who are these people!?"

"I don't know! I want to know too!"

“T-they’re coming more and more!”

"For now, you guys just get out of here! I'll handle this!"


 It appears that the sisters managed to escape from the crowd and move to a safe location.

“So? Is it okay if I buy it?”

"Get lost! I haven't even negotiated yet!"

“I haven't had my turn either!"

"Oh, please don't push!"

“You guys are getting in the way! Let me negotiate too!”

 They gather together like hyenas. Who are these guys?

 By the way, the first old man said something like something trading company. The next man who appeared also said he was in the same business.

 So...are they all merchants?

 That must be it. No doubt about it.

 I remember he said he was going to buy the Great Boar. Does that mean everyone here came for the Great Boar?

 So instead of handing it over to the adventurer's guild, I guess they wanted to buy it directly.

 I wonder where the information leaked from.

“Well, how about three silver coins?”

"Are you an idiot? There's no way you could buy something like that for that much money! In that case, I'll give you five silver coins!"

"You're not cheap either! If I were you, I'd give you eight silver coins!"

“I-I’ll give you one gold coin!”

“Then I have two gold coins!!”

 This has turned into an auction.

 It is useless. No matter what I say, it doesn't seem like this will settle down.

 What should I do……

"Zest! I brought someone from the guild!"

"!! Good job!"

 It looks like Lapis dragged Reimi with her.

"W-what's all the fuss about?"

"That's what I want to know! They all want to buy the Great Boar..."

"I-I see..."

“Can you do something about this?"

"But...technically, the ownership of the Great Boar belongs to you, Zest. So the guild can only leave the decision to you nya..."

"Are you kidding me..."

 Damn it! Guild staff is useless!

 Oh, seriously, what should I do...

 the merchants, like hyena, are still holding auctions without me...


“How about five gold coins!”

“Then five gold coins and one small copper coin!”

"In that case, I'll give you seven gold coins!"

"Then seven gold coins and one small copper coin..."

“The ones making tiny increases are so annoying!!"

 It doesn't seem like it'll ever end. I wonder if they're still doing it?

 Enough already. My head is starting to hurt...

 Why do I have to deal with this nonsense...

 Is it okay for me to get mad?

 I don't have to hold back anymore, right?

 There's no need to go along with this farce, right?


 At my shout, everyone fell silent.

"I don't care who buys it! Don't fight over such nonsense!"

“I-I guess it’s because you haven't decided where to sell!”

 So it comes down to that...

 This is so annoying!!

“Then it’s you!!”

"Huh? I-Is it me?"

"That's right! I'll sell it to you! You won't complain about that!"

"Oh, I did it!"

 When I pointed to it, I saw a small young man looking happy.

 Honestly, it could have been anyone. I wanted to end this commotion quickly.

"Eh. Why?"

“Even though I negotiated first…”

“I chose him! Got a problem with that!?"

"N-no... that's not what I meant..."

"Then that's fine. This is the end! Yes, disband!"

 When I finished speaking, the people who were there left one by one.

 The merchants leave while grumbling.

 The only person left is the young man I named earlier.

“Um, are you sure it’s me?”

“Oh, that’s fine…just buy it for me…”

“So, regarding the purchase price, I'd like to offer 10 gold coins, but if you have the price you want--”

"That's whatever you like..."

"Oh, thank you very much!"

 From then on, I decided to leave everything to Reimi.

 Sigh...I'm tired...I'm really tired...

 It's more tiring than dealing with monsters...

TN : if you found something wrong just let me know

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  1. Is he really a top player~?
    Can't even do a proper bidding~

    Most mmorpg have biddings through chat tho~
    Even haggling are possible on players~


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